Being Unstoppable Leads to Breakthrough Results!


How important is it to be unstoppable in life?Well that depends directly on what you have at stake. There is absolutely no reason to beunstoppable in pursuit of something that does not matter to you.


However, once you decide something matters to you, whether it is putting your child through college, or buying your first house, or getting fit, or ending world hunger;  once you commit to it… well then it matters!


So what does it take to be unstoppable? This is simple question really.   Just keep going no matter what.


So why does it  seem so much harder in real life?  That is a better question.


If you are working towards your child’s education, or buying your first house, or the career of your dreams, then it is pretty important to be unstoppable.


What does it take to be unstoppable?  Especially when the world gives you a challenge that makes your dream/goal seem impossible?


This is the heart of being unstoppable.  When we start a project, we have a lot of enthusiasm for it.  We want to give our time and energy plus we are making progress that we can see.  Then something happens.   We are invited to a dinner party while we are on a cleanse.  We have a cash flow issue beyond our ability to stretch the budget.  We get a “no” from a critical alliance we were counting on.


At this point, being unstoppable is who you must become.   Most will not pass this point.  They will hang up their spurs and sit on the porch thinking about this moment for the rest of their lives.

But not you!  You are going to accomplish this goal no matter what.  Why?  Because you said so!  You knew you would face some challenges and here one is.  Now what?


This moment is what weeds out the dilettantes from the real result producers.    You are going to figure it out.   I know that sounds too simple, but it is exactly what there is to do.


In these moments of great need, sometimes the best coaching comes in.   This is the coaching I got when I was completely stopped during a major life change.


“Ask different questions”.   The question I was always asking in my head was, “How am I going to get through this?”  Or “Where am I going to come up with that money?”   Some version of that.


The question I needed to be asking is, “Who knows how to do this already?”, and then either, “What would ______ do?” or get on the phone and reach that person or read their book.


I model my business life after some mentors and it really assists me to look from their point of view.  What would Richard Branson do in this situation?    Or What would Seth Godin’s next move be?”


Living an “unimaginable life” means that YOU can’t imagine it… it does not mean that no one has imagined it.    So get out of your perspective and put yourself in someone else’s shoes, someone who has walked your path (or close enough) and answer from there.


And most importantly, to be unstoppable, keep going.  Keep taking effective action.  Even little moves can make a big difference and every single step is a learning experience.


My mantra:  Keep breathing, Keep pushing, keep learning!